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Join the MAO

Membership in the MAO/AAO is an outstanding value for orthodontists who utilize even a fraction of the many opportunities made available by the association. Most MAO/AAO member services and products are either free to members or available at very little cost.


From practice management tools and marketing materials to world-class education and meetings, MAO/AAO membership is the ideal way to stay current and ensure you and your practice are geared for success both now and in the future.


For information on joining the MAO/AAO, please visit the AAO website.

Benefits of Joining MAO

Legislative Advocacy


  1. AAO/MAO has led the Legislative advocacy in the US Congress and the Michigan State Legislature on behalf of the profession on national and state policy issues.

  2. The ability to attend the annual AAO Professional Advocacy Meeting in Washington D.C.


Practice Management Tools


  1. Access to malpractice insurance through AAOIC.

  2. Dental Benefits Advisory Service Hotline to answer questions about insurance coding and third party payers.

  3. Endorsed and approved products and services, including credit card processing, patient financing and more.


Practice Marketing Tools


  1. Inclusion in the “Find an Orthodontist” search tool on the AAO’s consumer website,

  2. Outreach tools and complete community relations programs for National Orthodontic Health Month and National Facial Protection Month


Knowledge Resources


  1. Reduced registration fees for AAO/MAO Annual Sessions

  2. An annual print and online subscription to the AJO-DO

  3. Subscription to AAO/MAO news publications

Michigan Association of Orthodontists

629 W. Hillsdale | Lansing, Michigan 48933   |   P 517.487.4988   |   F 517.485.9408



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